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Info Kit Greens Soup For Spring

I made a small-scale batch of soup early on terminal week. 

It lasted through iii meals, which is plenty for me, but if you lot bring a identify unit of measurement to railroad train for, this recipe is really flexible, hence double or triple it for your crowd.  If you're interested inwards learning to a greater extent than nigh wild foods in addition to how to acquire them onto the table, this recipe is almost foolproof in addition to hence delicious that it volition delight a lot of people who wouldn't unremarkably *voluntarily* consume weeds. You powerfulness also desire to banking concern stand upward for out our mass - Wild Foods for Every Table.

This detail pot of soup contained a duet of cheats.  Sometimes the plants demo upward when nosotros haven't prepared.  I used bouillon in addition to instant potatoes for the base.  You may sure as shooting role the existent affair instead!  This was a spur of the moment, thrown together affair - which is business office of the beauty of nutrient merely coming upward out of the ground, unbidden!
Potatoes are rarely inwards the house, in addition to a $1 handbag of instant tin post away terminal a calendar month or 2 because it's exclusively used inwards soups.  There is NEVER plenty broth around here.  The soup was spectacular.  Here nosotros go...
Starting on the left, chickweed, cheese, mushrooms, nettles, in addition to wild onions downwards the center.
1 quart stinging nettles
2 cups chickweed
3 or four wild onions
1 pint mushrooms (any kind)
1/2 loving cup Parmesan cheese
1 large bouillon cube - chicken or vegetable
1/2 loving cup instant mashed potatoes
Splash of olive oil
6 cups water

First, a walk around the yard,  The nettles are upward nigh iii or four inches, in addition to are growing thickly.  It took no fourth dimension to assemble a quart of them.  No onions inwards the house, hence I grabbed a few wild onions/garlic.
stinging nettles
Inside, rinse the greens, pick through them, in addition to and then chop them upward a chip alongside kitchen shears. 
Peel the onions in addition to chop finely.
Put petroleum into a 2 qt pan, in addition to LIGHTLY saute the onions. Add mushrooms.
If needed, role a picayune to a greater extent than oil.
Add 2 cups H2O alongside the bouillon when the mushrooms are a releasing some liquid in addition to softening. Heat on medium high until it starts to simmer.  In the meantime...
Mix the instant potatoes into remaining quart of H2O in addition to pour into the pan.
When it starts heating up, dump inwards the greens.
As shortly every bit the broth starts a lite boil in addition to the greens soften, role an immersion blender until most (but non all) of the mushrooms in addition to greens are blended.  If you lot don't bring an immersion blender, position nigh 1/2 of the soup into a blender until smooth.
Add the cheese in addition to stir.  Use additional cheese every bit a garnish. 
I had some leftover chicken that went inwards at the end.  Croutons would live delicious too.
Chickweed (about 4x life size)
All inwards all, this was likely 1/2 an hr from yard to table, in addition to it was actually good. 
There were a duet other greens out today.  In the side yesteryear side calendar month or so, the selections volition live besides many to list.
Hairy Bittercress

Ground Ivy (among many names)
Red Dead Nettle
All of these tin post away live used, every bit good every bit garlic mustard, plantain, daylily leaves, dandelion leaves, purplish leaves, clover, in addition to on in addition to on...  You CAN fifty-fifty role domesticated vegetables, if you lot similar :-)
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