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Info Kit Schleppin’ Some Niles Canyon, Molly Sams

Today nosotros receive got a postal service from Molly.  She's been inwards California for over a year, in addition to it seems that she's constitute what she was looking for - travel, adventure, novel experiences, in addition to independence.

I'm happy that she has constitute around fourth dimension in addition to inspiration to send inwards a post! 
In the canyon
Schleppin’ Around Niles Canyon

Recently I moved to Fremont CA in addition to I gotta live existent – I’m inwards love. On my agency to run I run into mountains everyday (sometimes amongst snow), at that topographic point are plants everywhere, in addition to my roommates are in addition to thus excited to endeavour novel herbs in addition to recipes.

I’m also a five-minute drive away from i of my favorite tiny towns ever. Niles is a little town nestled inwards the mountains that Charlie Chaplin used inwards many of his films. But at that topographic point is to a greater extent than than but the soundless cinema festivals in addition to museum (though they are both dope.)
Downtown amongst friends
Niles is abode to a beautiful tea store that transports me correct dorsum to TheRosemary House. It also has Devout Coffee, friendly kittens, in addition to really, genuinely expert food. It is also abode to the beautiful Niles Canyon.

Figs, caprine animal cheese, in addition to deliciousness on smashing bread.
In the canyon at that topographic point are hundreds of plants in addition to wild animals that are native to California. It genuinely took us 2 days to hike it (luckily I alive close) in addition to nosotros even in addition to thus exclusively saw a little fighting of the trail. Part of the argue it took us 2 days was because it is the rainy flavor correct instantly inwards my cervix of the woods. However this is why at that topographic point are in addition to thus many flowers, fruits, in addition to plants thriving correct now. So I receive got to run into them earlier they’re gone!
I intend this is Buddha's Hand fruit.
Unfortunately nosotros had to larn on the safer bits since the trails deeper inwards the canyon receive got been washed out. But on it nosotros constitute around overnice fruits, plenty of plantain, in addition to to a greater extent than mullein than we’ve seen inwards months. With that I had to snag a piffling raspberry leaf. 
Eucalyptus blooming.  I asked Molly to live on the picket for this beauty.
I was thrilled to produce in addition to thus in addition to it helped me form of review what to accept on weed walks. I receive got forgotten in addition to thus much but side past times side fourth dimension I’ll live to a greater extent than prepared. For those that powerfulness live rusty every bit good I forgot to bring:

1. Plastic baggies or sturdy reusable ones
2. Jars.
3. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 little shovel
Can anyone assistance me out on an ID of this tree?  It's real pretty!
But I was lucky plenty to cry back to accept plenty of pictures of my sometime flora-friends in addition to around novel ones every bit well. Whaddya think?

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