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Info Kit Southern Folk Medicine - Mass Review

This mass comes out on the 16th of January, as well as if you lot haven't pre-ordered, get it now.  This mass is dissimilar whatever other you lot powerfulness accept on your shelves as well as you're going to request it.  This changes the agency nosotros volition move looking at things from hither on out.

To laid about with, there's a foreword past times Rosemary Gladstar.
There's an afterword past times Matthew Wood.
And inwards between, Phyllis D. Light volition opened upwards your eyes as well as hear to a whole different agency of perceiving trunk constitution as well as how herbal energetics (which has e'er been besides opened upwards to interpretation for me) correlate amongst southern blood "types."  The quotes are in that place because the types are non A, B, O.  They align amongst the four elements.  This arrangement makes sense.
She starts amongst the history of how the tradition came into being.  You'll abide by a connective amongst Ayurvedic as well as Chinese systems, only Southern Folk Medicine is its ain healing method.

I've exclusively had it a few days, only I know this is a game-changer.
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