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Info Kit How Nosotros Started 2018

My sister's boy moved to the due west coast over a twelvemonth agone in addition to inwards August, my missy went out to bring together him.  His girl is also someone nosotros like, thence it was fourth dimension to become visit.  We left inwards the early on morning time of New Year's Day.  Not a bad solar daytime to travel, past times the way.
One of the outset things nosotros noticed, rosemary hedges.
From Fisherman's Wharf, Alcatraz Island on the left.

Here are around of our adventures...

My personal favorite solar daytime was inwards Half Moon Bay.  This was inwards i of the greenhouses.

We outset noticed the passionflowers at a plant nursery specializing inwards native plants.  Then saw them everywhere.
As nosotros crossed a footbridge over a pocket-sized ravine, nosotros saw that wild nasturtiums were rampant.  In this picture, the leaves are most recognizable.  I solely had my phone, having left the existent photographic television set camera at home.
We injure upwards on the Pacific Coast Highway.  Gorgeous in addition to solely a petty unnerving.
The sea was stunning from this angle.
At Fisherman's Wharf, nosotros spent a lot of fourth dimension considering the personalities of the sea lions.

In San Francisco nosotros walked all through Chinatown, in addition to thence stopped at The Stinking Rose, where they tell that they  "season our garlic amongst food."  Delish!
Can nosotros verbalize a petty chip nearly the walk to breakfast?  My companions preclude me from picking anything.

These petty lilies were planted amongst white sage every bit landscaping where nosotros stayed.

Tea store on the walk to dinner...
Farmers market.  Just wow!  The diversity was amazing.
Selection of olives.  Dates were at the adjacent stand.  They tell us this is the "dead" of winter.  Hmmm...
We met upwards amongst a longtime online friend who took us to the really tip top of the Berkeley campus to await out at the bay.
We had the journal almost set together past times the fourth dimension nosotros got home.  I wrote my champaign notes piece nosotros were traveling.  Still polishing it upwards for the printer now.
We've merely nearly caught upwards on orders in addition to emails.  All inwards all a fun trip.  Of course of written report it was a huge process to encounter the young'uns.  That goes without saying.
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