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Info Kit About Other Nettles/Greens Supper

There are thence many delicious wild greens coming upwardly correct now.  The best agency to larn to hold out them is to merely outset throwing them into dishes.  They are commonly tender, thence merely the final few minutes of cooking is to a greater extent than oft than non best.  Tonight I was inwards the mood for an omelet.
Here's how it went down...
Went exterior as well as picked a few cups of garlic mustard leaves as well as stinging nettles leaves. 
Pulled out a skillet, as well as threw inwards a pat of butter.
Dumped a pint of babe bella mushrooms (use what you lot have) as well as most an ounce of H2O on medium heat, covered. 
Allowed them to fix til most done, added greens as well as unopen to other ounce of water, covered, thence turned to low.

In the meantime, I pulled out unopen to other skillet as well as started two eggs.
Once they were set, I layered on top...
Single layer of super sparse slices of smoked ham.
Handful of shredded cheddar.
 - embrace for a twain minutes to melt cheese.
Add most 1/2 the mushrooms as well as greens
Slide onto plate as well as flip the i side over on top.
Top amongst salsa.

And there's plenty filling to accept it in i trial again for lunch.
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