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Info Kit Blood-Red Clover – Herb Of Adept Fortune

July/August 2010 Essential Herbal Magazine

Have you lot e'er taken a sip of nectar from a cerise clover blossom? As a tike I would sit down inwards our neighbor’s field, push clit the flowering tops off cerise clover plants as well as sip the nectar from the base of operations of the flower. I loved the sugariness flavour of this summertime treat, unaware that this tasty herbaceous flora had healing properties!

Red clover, Trifolium pratense, (Trifolium agency ‘three-leaved’ as well as pratense agency ‘pasture land’) is equally good known equally majestic clover, trefoil, moo-cow grass, beebread, sugariness clover, as well as moo-cow clover. Red clover is a perennial herb, used for cattle grazing as well as is said to hold upwards i of the showtime agricultural crops. It has a Celtic rootage as well as grows wild inwards meadowlands throughout Europe as well as Asia. The herb was introduced into North America during the eighteenth century where it is straight off usually flora inwards sunny grasslands as well as along roadsides. The purple-pink, globe-shaped flowers at the halt of branched stems tin hold upwards dried for therapeutic use.

Red clover is associated alongside expert fortune. The phrase “living inwards clover” refers to living a carefree life of ease, comfort, as well as prosperity. The familiar three-lobed leaves of the herb were associated yesteryear medieval Christians alongside the Trinity. Fairy lore states that unicorns especially similar to prevarication inwards fields of cerise clover. Washing the eyelids alongside cerise clover H2O was believed to promote seeing the fairies as well as unicorns

Red clover has been used to process a diverseness of conditions, including whooping cough, bronchitis as well as pare inflammations. Traditionally, cerise clover ointments as well as lotions create got been applied to the pare to process psoriasis, eczema, abscesses, rashes, cysts, tumors as well as wounds. It tin hold upwards used inwards many forms: capsule, tea, tincture, salve, ointment, wash, poultice, infused crude oil as well as lotion.

Red clover is considered a "blood purifier" yesteryear acting equally a diuretic as well as expectorant, improving circulation, as well as helping cleanse the liver. It is a source of many nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, iron, niacin, phosphorus, vitamin C, potassium, as well as thiamine. Nutritionally, cerise clover is virtually good known equally a really rich source of isoflavones; compounds that deed similar estrogens as well as are flora inwards many plants. These phyto-chemicals, equally good flora inwards soy, facial expression similar to the hormone, estrogen. Many illustration studies are currently ongoing regarding the effects of cerise clover equally a supplement for women’s wellness issues.  

Gather cerise clover inwards summertime when inwards it is inwards full, opened upwards bloom. Take fourth dimension to rinse the flowers as well as cheque them for insects. Be sure the house you lot harvested your blooms was non sprayed alongside chemicals. Pull the petals from the fresh bloom caput as well as add together them to salads or create a refreshing cerise clover iced tea. To role at a subsequently date, rinse the flowers as well as lay the blooms inwards the shade on a cover or newspaper towels to dry. Store the flowers inwards air tight containers, inwards a cool nighttime place.
Red Clover Iced Tea
For i large drinking glass of iced tea you lot volition need:
One to 2 teaspoons dried cerise clover flowers or ½ loving cup fresh cerise clover blossoms as well as 8 ounces of expert H2O

Bring H2O to a rolling boil, pour the boiling H2O over the cerise clover flowers as well as steep for seven – 12 minutes. Strain as well as add together local beloved (red clover beloved would hold upwards a expert choice) to sweeten if desired. Allow to cool earlier pouring your brew into a large drinking glass filled alongside H2O ice cubes. Garnish alongside lemon balm or lemon verbena leaves. Enjoy!!! (You tin for certain brand a ‘pitcher’ of iced tea – only growth the ingredients to proportions).
Interactions as well as Precautions:Research shows cerise clover may interfere alongside the body's mightiness to procedure only about drugs that are broken downward yesteryear liver enzymes. For that reason, you lot should cheque alongside your wellness provider earlier using cerise clover. Red clover may heighten the resultant of anti-coagulant drugs, increasing the gamble of bleeding, as well as then create non create got cerise clover earlier having surgery. Studies create got shown that cerise clover may growth the resultant of estrogens if you lot are taking hormone replacement therapy, or nativity command pills. Women who are meaning or breastfeeding should non role cerise clover. 

The information provided inwards this article is intended only to inform the reader. Please hold upwards sure to ‘know your herb’ earlier consuming it.
“Walk Gently on this Earth!”

Submitted by:
Mary Hammond – Herbal Practitioner
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