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Info Kit Bee’S Wax Solstice Ornaments

past times Marci Tsohonis
Originally published inwards the Nov/Dec '17 effect of The Essential Herbal

I convey a tradition of making Winter Solstice ornaments for our tree together with for gifting, because they are difficult to abide by inwards gift shops or online.  In years past, I convey made clay, quilted, embroidered together with felted wool ornaments.   I am making solar ornaments amongst Bee’s wax this year. 
Do you lot convey Brown Bag clay cookie molds inwards the dorsum of a drawer somewhere?   
You know, the ones you lot saved for making that cool homemade paper-craft projection you lot convey e'er meant to try?   I did!  Wax ornaments are my favorite agency to purpose them now.  Some of the molds are likewise large for ornaments, but others are only perfect.  If you lot don’t convey any, you lot tin sometimes abide by them on the inexpensive at Antique stores.  I convey acquired several that way.
I desire to brand a security mold of our Sol doorbell because it is the perfect size for a tree ornament. 
I could non locate whatsoever security mold making kits inwards our town, exclusively acrylic clay mold material.  It didn’t concord the pressed ikon well, or, I didn’t exercise it correctly.  It lost unopen to details when the clay relaxed.  I convey since learned Amazon has the security mold material, but I couldn’t buy the farm it delivered inwards fourth dimension to purpose it for this article. 
To brand wax ornaments inwards the clay cookie molds, showtime spray 2-3 build clean molds lightly amongst vegetable spray.  Arrange the molds on a cookie canvas lined amongst parchment or wax newspaper then you lot tin reclaim whatsoever spilled wax.  Melt nearly 1 to 1½ cups of bee’s wax to sixty degrees inwards a wax-melting pitcher (or other small, metallic container) inwards a saucepan amongst 2 inches of simmering water.   The metallic container volition permit the wax to remain fluid long plenty to pour it into a few molds.  Using a ladle volition non operate well.  The edges cool then apace that whatsoever pouring irregularities volition move highly visible. 
Add i one-half teaspoon of Cassia essential oil to melted wax later it has cooled to l degrees.  Pour into cavities immediately, slightly under-filling each mold.  Tap the border of the mold on the counter together with unloosen over a soft towel later they convey cooled an hr or two.  Most volition popular out of the cookie molds really easily.  If they don’t, refrigerate them for nearly twenty minutes together with elbow grease again. 
To exercise a shine hole for ribbon or string, oestrus the cease of an H2O ice option or narrow paring knife over a stove burner or candle.  Press lightly, together with the hot metallic volition easily pierce through the wax to exercise a shine hole inwards the ornament.  If the edges are stone oil or irregular, oestrus the apartment side of a butter knife together with apace shine it over those areas of the ornament.  
 Happy holidays! 

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