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Info Kit Ginger Shortbread

Excerpt from Holiday Sweets amongst Exotic Herbs
originally published inwards the Nov/Dec '15 Essential Herbal Magazine
past times Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh
Gingerbread seems to live on a staple of the holiday, only it is non i of my favorite things.  In fact I produce non fifty-fifty similar making gingerbread houses!  I know sacrilegious, only I produce similar ginger together with I love this nifty recipe for shortbread that uses crystallized ginger that volition convey the season of the vacation to a traditional tea treat.

Ginger Shortbread
three ½ C flour, summation extra for dusting spell rolling dough
1 t soil ginger
½ t salt
12 T butter
½ C confectioners sugar
three rounded T slightly crystallized honey

¾ C crystallized ginger, finely chopped
Sift together the flour, soil ginger, together with salt.  Rub inwards the butter together with stir inwards the sugar.  Mix inwards the dear together with chopped crystallized ginger together with shape into potent dough.  Knead lightly inwards the bowl. 
Halve the dough together with coil out each slice on a lightly floured board to brand an 8-inch circle.  Score wedges into the shortbread amongst a abrupt knife together with prick the overstep amongst a fork. 
Bake at 325 degrees for xv to xx minutes, until crisp together with golden some the edges.  Sprinkle amongst a chip of confectioners saccharide together with teach out to cool slightly earlier breaking apart together with allowing to cool completely.

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