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Info Kit Announcing - Two Neat Novel Herb Books!

I'm as well as therefore excited to denote that both I as well as my friend Susan Hess (from The Stillroom at Pitch Pines) each convey a novel mass coming out!

My mass is called The Healing Power of Herbs as well as I'm ever as well as therefore happy to percentage the joy of working alongside herbs as well as promise to inspire confidence inwards those merely get-go their herbal journey. Those of you lot who convey been periodical subscribers over the years know that this is the almost of import affair I do.  In add-on to a primer of herbal preparations, the mass covers xxx of import herbs, as well as offers over lx simple,interesting, as well as helpful ways to purpose each 1 of them.

Its sis mass past times Susan Hess is called The Herbal Medicine Cookbook.  It is brimming alongside information as well as delicious, healing dishes as well as meals that assist to back upwards vitality as well as health.  I was thrilled to produce some background run on the book.  During her years equally a trained therapeutic herbalist, she has fed many of these dishes to her students during her Homestead Herbalism courses.  Some of you lot may recall posts from Molly piece she enjoyed taking Susan's bird series.  Now nosotros tin orbit the sack brand these foods at abode alongside the teachings that learn alongside them included.

These 2 books (together or separate) are dandy resources for whatsoever herbalist to convey inwards his or her library. Stick around equally I percentage some helpful sneak peeks from each mass over the coming weeks. I can't aspect to percentage all this dandy information alongside you!

They'll move available Jan 15th.  Do something for yourself, or for somebody you lot love.  These books volition move referred to in 1 lawsuit again as well as again!

Pre-order The Healing Power of Herbs here:
Pre-order The Herbal Medicine Cookbook here:
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